Ilustrasi Sakit Asam Lambung |
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Bahasa Indonesia
Akhir-akhir ini kami banyak kedatangan pasien ataupun pertanyaan mengenai asam lambung yang tinggi.
Mengobati asam lambung itu sebenarnya sangat mudah, murah dan cepat. Begini caranya.
- Ambil sedikit garam (seujung sendok teh)
- Tekan dengan jari telunjuk
- Jilat lalu telan
- Kemudian minum sedikit
- Sembuh. Atas izin Tuhan YME
Lakukan setiap sebelum makan dan setelah makan
Mengapa harus garam?
- Asam lambung itu HCl (Asam Chlorida) bersifat asam
- NaCl (Garam) + H2O (Air) = NaOH (Natrium Hidroksida) bersifat basa
- Terjadi reaksi didalam lambung asam bertemu basa menjadi netral
- Sembuh atas izin Tuhan YME
Sumber : Sate Jawa
Illustration of Stomach Acid Pain
Lately we have had many patients or questions regarding high stomach acid.
Treating stomach acid is actually very easy, cheap and fast. Here's how.
- Take a pinch of salt (a teaspoon)
- Press with the index finger
- Lick then swallow
- Then drink a little
- Healed. With the permission of God Almighty
Do it every time before eating and after eating
Why should salt?
- Stomach acid is HCl (Hydrochloric Acid) which is acidic
- NaCl (Salt) + H2O (Water) = NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide) is basic
- There is a reaction in the stomach where the acid meets the base to become neutral
- Healed with the permission of God Almighty
Source: Sate Jawa
Photo: Special